This is a senseless death In history that seems to be forgotten. There is no way he could hurt anyone. No one thought he was guilty.
- George Stinney executed in 1944, South Carolina.
Some people still have never heard his name. Today you will find about his sensless murder.
George Stinney is still the youngest person executed, in the 20 century.
George Stinney who was sickly, shy and underweight was accused of murdering two girls.
He “allegedly confessed” that he murdered the girls.
In the movie “Carolina Skeletons” they eluded that it was a law official that may have been the killer.The murder scene is just acting.It’s graphic,but the actor is reenacting the scene of what happened that day he was executed.
This little guy would not have the strength to kick a puppy. He would seen playing in the flowers with little girls while singing songs.That means he may have been a little effeminate.
There is no way in hell, George killed and raped two girls!
George had no one to speak up for him.
His dad fired from his job, because of the case.
George’s siblings were given only 2 choices.
Yes, little innocent children were going to be lynched for their brothers alleged crime.
The South will always have whispers of racism.
I just hope that whoever murdered these 2 little girls, gets justice.
I am sure they are in their afterlife.
However,sadly so is George Stinney.
George Stinney needs his redemption. Let him have that. He can’t get back his life.
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